如圖所示,依次選擇並查找工程名->build phases->link binary with libraries按下方的加號鍵,在彈出的搜索框中搜索sqlite3,選擇libsqlite3.dylib->add。至此,已經添加完畢。然後在pod 中導入FMDB這個包。
第二步、增、刪、改、查 的實現
#pragma mark - FMDB數據庫操作 //插入 -(void)insert { if ([_db open]) { NSString *sql1 = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"INSERT INTO '%@' ( '%@' , '%@' , '%@' , '%@' , '%@' , '%@' , '%@' , '%@' , '%@' , '%@' ) VALUES ( '%@' , '%@' , '%@' , '%@' , '%@' , '%@' , '%@' , '%@' , '%@' , '%@' )", TABLENAME, @"starting", @"destination", @"goodsName", @"car", @"goodsWeight", @"goodsVolume",@"intentionPrice",@"bail",@"mark",@"status",_startingLabel.text,_destinationLabel.text,goodsNameTextField.text,selectVehicleLabel.text,goodsWeightTextField.text,goodsVolumeTextField.text,intentionPriceTextField.text,bailTextField.text,markLabel.text,@"0"]; BOOL res = [_db executeUpdate:sql1]; if (!res) { NSLog(@"error when insert db table"); } else { NSLog(@"success to insert db table"); } [_db close]; } } //修改 -(void)update { if ([_db open]) { NSString *updateSql = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"update %@ set %@='%@' where %@='%@'",TABLENAME,DESTINATION ,@"目的地 上海",STARTING,@"蕪湖 出發地"]; BOOL res = [_db executeUpdate:updateSql]; if (!res) { NSLog(@"error when insert db table"); } else { NSLog(@"success to insert db table"); } [_db close]; } } //刪除 -(void)delete { if ([_db open]) { NSString *deleteSql = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"delete from %@ where %@ = '%@' ", TABLENAME, STARTING, @"蕪湖 出發地"]; BOOL res = [_db executeUpdate:deleteSql]; if (!res) { NSLog(@"error when insert db table"); } else { NSLog(@"success to insert db table"); } [_db close]; } } //查詢 - (void)query { if ([_db open]) { NSString * sql = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"SELECT * FROM %@",TABLENAME ]; FMResultSet * rs = [_db executeQuery:sql]; while ([rs next]) { int Id = [rs intForColumn:@"ID"]; NSString * name = [rs stringForColumn:STARTING]; NSString * age = [rs stringForColumn:DESTINATION]; NSString * address = [rs stringForColumn:GOODSNAME]; NSLog(@"id = %d, name = %@, age = %@ address = %@", Id, name, age, address); } [_db close]; } }
至此,增刪改查已經全部實現完畢,可能看的不是很懂我其中的的一些變量,其實變量都是次要的,真正操作增刪改查的就那幾個關鍵字,像插入中的 @”INSERT INTO ‘%@’ (‘%@’, ‘%@’, ….) VALUES (‘%@’, ‘%@’,…)”,第一個%@代表著表名,括號中的多個%@代表的表中元素的名字,後面VALUES中的多個%@都是一一對應前面的元素的值。好了,介紹就到這裡,感謝查看。