關於 UITextField 的鍵盤是可以自定義的,正好在一個代碼用這個,就總結一下。
在 UITextField 中有一個 keyboardType 屬性,它的類型是一個枚舉值,下面就是枚舉值和對應的鍵盤樣式
UIKeyboardTypeDefault // Default type for the current input method.
UIKeyboardTypeASCIICapable // Displays a keyboard which can enter ASCII characters, non-ASCII keyboards remain active
UIKeyboardTypeNumbersAndPunctuation // Numbers and assorted punctuation.
UIKeyboardTypeURL // A type optimized for URL entry (shows . / .com prominently).
UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad // A number pad (0-9). Suitable for PIN entry.
UIKeyboardTypePhonePad // A phone pad (1-9, *, 0, #, with letters under the numbers).
UIKeyboardTypeNamePhonePad // A type optimized for entering a person's name or phone number.
UIKeyboardTypeEmailAddress // A type optimized for multiple email address entry (shows space @ . prominently).
UIKeyboardTypeDecimalPad // A number pad with a decimal point.
UIKeyboardTypeTwitter // A type optimized for twitter text entry (easy access to @ #)
UIKeyboardTypeWebSearch // A default keyboard type with URL-oriented addition (shows space . prominently).
UIKeyboardTypeAlphabet = UIKeyboardTypeASCIICapable, // Deprecated