#import@interface ViewController : UIViewController{ NSTimer *timer; UIScrollView *scrollViewText; } @property (nonatomic ,strong) NSArray *arrData; @end
#import ViewController.h #pragma mark - Class define variable #define K_MAIN_VIEW_SCROLL_HEIGHT 80.0f #define K_MAIN_VIEW_SCROLL_TEXT_TAG 300 #define K_MAIN_VIEW_TEME_INTERVAL 0.35 //計時器間隔時間(單位秒) #define K_MAIN_VIEW_SCROLLER_SPACE 20 //每次移動的距離 #define K_MAIN_VIEW_SCROLLER_LABLE_WIDTH 280 //字體寬度 #define K_MAIN_VIEW_SCROLLER_LABLE_MARGIN 20 //前後間隔距離 @interface ViewController () @end @implementation ViewController #pragma mark - Class property @synthesize arrData; - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; [self initView]; } - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning { [super didReceiveMemoryWarning]; // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. } #pragma mark - Custom method //初始化數據 -(void) initView{ if (!self.arrData) { self.arrData = @[ @{ @newsId :@201507070942261935, @newsImg :@, @newsTitle:@三大理由歐元任性抗跌,歐元區峰會將為希臘定調 }, @{ @newsId :@201507070929021220, @newsImg :@, @newsTitle :@歐盟峰會或現希臘轉機,黃金打響1162保衛戰 }, @{ @newsId :@201507070656471857, @newsImg :@, @newsTitle :@希臘困局歐元不怕,油價服軟暴跌8% } ]; } //文字滾動 [self initScrollText]; //開啟滾動 [self startScroll]; } //文字滾動初始化 -(void) initScrollText{ //獲取滾動條 scrollViewText = (UIScrollView *)[self.view viewWithTag:K_MAIN_VIEW_SCROLL_TEXT_TAG]; if(!scrollViewText){ scrollViewText = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width, K_MAIN_VIEW_SCROLL_HEIGHT)]; scrollViewText.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = NO; //隱藏水平滾動條 scrollViewText.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = NO; //隱藏垂直滾動條 scrollViewText.tag = K_MAIN_VIEW_SCROLL_TEXT_TAG; [scrollViewText setBackgroundColor:[UIColor grayColor]]; //清除子控件 for (UIView *view in [scrollViewText subviews]) { [view removeFromSuperview]; } //添加到當前視圖 [self.view addSubview:scrollViewText]; } if (self.arrData) { CGFloat offsetX = 0 ,i = 0, h = 30; //設置滾動文字 UILabel *labText = nil; for (NSDictionary *dicTemp in self.arrData) { labText = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake( i * (K_MAIN_VIEW_SCROLLER_LABLE_WIDTH + K_MAIN_VIEW_SCROLLER_LABLE_MARGIN), (K_MAIN_VIEW_SCROLL_HEIGHT - h) / 2, K_MAIN_VIEW_SCROLLER_LABLE_WIDTH, h)]; [labText setFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:18]]; [labText setTextColor:[UIColor redColor]]; labText.text = dicTemp[@newsTitle]; offsetX += labText.frame.origin.x; //添加到滾動視圖 [scrollViewText addSubview:labText]; i++; } //設置滾動區域大小 [scrollViewText setContentSize:CGSizeMake(offsetX, 0)]; } } //開始滾動 -(void) startScroll{ if (!timer) timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:K_MAIN_VIEW_TEME_INTERVAL target:self selector:@selector(setScrollText) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; [timer fire]; } //滾動處理 -(void) setScrollText{ CGFloat startX = scrollViewText.contentSize.width - K_MAIN_VIEW_SCROLLER_LABLE_WIDTH - K_MAIN_VIEW_SCROLLER_LABLE_MARGIN; [UIView animateWithDuration:K_MAIN_VIEW_TEME_INTERVAL * 2 animations:^{ CGRect rect; CGFloat offsetX = 0.0; for (UILabel *lab in scrollViewText.subviews) { rect = lab.frame; offsetX = rect.origin.x - K_MAIN_VIEW_SCROLLER_SPACE; if (offsetX < -K_MAIN_VIEW_SCROLLER_LABLE_WIDTH) offsetX = startX; lab.frame = CGRectMake(offsetX, rect.origin.y, rect.size.width, rect.size.height); } NSLog(@offsetX:%f,offsetX); }]; } @end