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xcode之iOS simulator




Menu option

Hardware action

Rotate Left

Rotates the simulator to the left.(向左旋轉,測試橫豎屏切換)

Rotate Right

Rotates the simulator to the right.(向右旋轉,測試橫豎屏切換)

Shake Gesture

Simulates shaking the device.(搖動模塊器,測試傳感器)


Displays the Home screen of the simulated device.(切到後台,測試前後台切換)


Displays the Lock screen.(鎖屏)

Simulate Memory Warning

Sends the frontmost app a simulated low-memory warning.(模擬內存警告,必測點,校驗app在模擬內存警告時的處理)

For information on how to handle low-memory situations, see “Observing Low-Memory Warnings” in iOS App Programming Guide.

Toggle In-Call Status Bar

Toggles the status bar between its normal state and its in-call state. This command shows how your app’s user interface looks when a user launches your app during a call or while navigation is running. The in-call state bar is used when a phone call is in progress, a FaceTime call is in progress, or Maps in iOS 6 is navigating. The status bar is taller in its in-call state than in its normal state.(模擬呼 叫,測試app對中斷的反應)

Simulate Hardware Keyboard

Toggles the software keyboard on an iPad simulator. Turn off the software keyboard to simulate using a keyboard dock or wireless keyboard with an iPad device.

Note: The Mac’s keyboard can be used as input into the simulator at all times.

iOS Uses Same Keyboard Layout As OS X

Automatically selects the iOS keyboard that most closely matches the keyboard layout of your Mac.

TV Out

Opens a window simulating a device’s TV Out signal.

Note: Several TV Out resolutions are available by choosing Hardware > TV Out > desired resolution.



Desktop action



Touch and hold

Press and hold down the mouse button or trackpad.








Drag quickly.

Two-finger Drag

1. Place the pointer where you want the two-finger drag to occur.

2. Hold down the Option key.

3. Move the circles that represent finger touches to the start position.

4. Move the center of the pinch target by holding down the Shift key, moving the circles to the desired center position, and releasing the Shift key.

5. Hold down the Shift key and the mouse button, move the circles in the direction you want to drag, and release both the Shift key and the mouse button.


1. Place the pointer where you want the pinch to occur.

2. Hold down the Option key.

3. Move the circles that represent finger touches to the start position.

4. Move the center of the pinch target by holding down the Shift key, moving the circles to the desired center position, and releasing the Shift key.

5. Hold down the mouse button, move the circles in and out to the end position, and release the Option key.


1. Place the pointer where you want the rotation to occur.

2. Hold down the Option key.

3. Move the circles that represent finger touches to the start position.

4. Move the center of the pinch target by holding down the Shift key, moving the circles to the desired center position, and releasing the Shift key.

5. Hold down the mouse button, rotate the circles to the end position, and release the Option key.

    截屏 To take a screenshot and save it to your Mac’s pasteboard, choose Edit > Copy Screen.
    To save a screenshot as a file, choose File > Save Screen Shot. The screenshot is saved to the desktop of your Mac.(存儲屏幕快照,圖片保存在Mac的桌面,常用,比如發現了bug需提交給開發)
    更改模擬器的縮放比例 支持3種比例:100%,75%,50% 快捷鍵(command+1,command+2,command+3) iOS模擬器的限制 1、硬件限制:
    • Accelerometer

    • Gyroscope

    • Camera

    • Proximity Sensor

    • Microphone Input

      2、OpenGL ES Limitations(略)
      3、API Limitations
      • Apple Push Services

      • Privacy alerts for access to Photos, Contacts, Calendar, and Reminders

      • The UIBackgroundModes key

      • iCloud document syncing and key-value storage support

        Unsupported frameworks include:

        • External Accessory

        • Media Player

        • Message UI

        • Event Kit

        • In UIKit, the UIVideoEditorController class

          如何在模擬器上測試iPad mini: 選擇非retina的iPad即可。

          Testing App Accessibility,通過這個可以查看每個控件的坐標。模擬器的調試菜單,感覺主要是跟性能相關的,沒深究。查看crash log: 1、打開Applications/Utilities/Console


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