
 Ios教程網 >> IOS編程開發 >> IOS開發綜合 >> 提交應用遇到Missing Screenshot問題的解決方法

提交應用遇到Missing Screenshot問題的解決方法


這兩天在提交應用時遇到各種各樣的問題,其中一個比較糾結的問題是在萬事俱備,二進制文件已經Archive、Validate和Distribute之後,iTunes Connect上卻顯示"Missing Screenshot"。奇怪,我已經提交了5張"iPhone and iPod touch Screenshots"了啊,怎麼回事?到Google上搜索,發現在iPhone 5出來之後,蘋果給開發者發了一個郵件(尼瑪,郵箱是公司副總的郵箱,我看不到),上面說:

"If you deliver a new app binary that takes advantage of the new screen size for iPhone 5 or iPod touch (5th generation) without screenshots in the new dimensions, the status of your app will change to Missing Screenshot." 

解決方案有一個:在"iPhone 5 and iPod touch (5th gen) Screenshots"裡面增加幾張馬臉的截屏就好了。如果你能這麼做,那麼恭喜,下面的就不用看了。

郵件上說"that takes advantage of the new screen size for iPhone 5",那麼到底神馬叫"takes advantage of the new screen size of iPhone 5"?找啊找啊,在這個頁面找到詳細介紹:

"If your binary indicates that your app will run on the 4-inch Retina display, you are required to upload at least one of these screenshots." 

我去。。。這跟上面不是一個意思麼。。。那什麼又叫"indicate that your app will run on the 4-inch Retina display"???


The only thing that indicates whether or not your app supports the 4-inch screen is whether you have a "[email protected]" file or not. If you haven't added that, your app won't natively support the 4-inch screen (which is fine!) and you don't need to change any other settings or provide other screenshots. 

原來,之前在編譯時,有一個提示,說我"Missing Retina 4 launch image",問我要不要add this image,當時為了消除這個警告,手賤點了"Add',結果增加了一個全黑的"[email protected]"圖片,就是這玩意,讓系統以為我使用了iPhone 5的馬臉特性。。。
果斷刪除之,然後,重新Archive-Validate-Distribute,再到iTunes Connect裡面查看應用狀態,哈哈,變成了"Waiting for Review"了!

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