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ios 不區分字符串大小寫的比較

  1. NSString *str;
  2. // 使用stringWithFormat生成一格式化字符串
  3. str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"This is %@","John"];
  4. NSLog(@"str--->%@",str);
  5. // 字符串長度length;
  6. NSLog(@"The length of this string is %@",[str length]);
  7. // 字符串比較 isEqualToString, 返回NO(false),isEqualToString區分大小寫
  8. BOOL isequal = [str isEqualToString:@"this is John"];
  9. // 字符串序列比列 compare,返回結果NSComparisonResult
  10. // type enum _NSComparisonResult{
  11. // NSOrderedAscending = -1,
  12. // NSOrderedSame,
  13. // NSOrderedDescending
  14. // }
  15. int result = [@"bool" compare:@"cool"];
  16. NSLog(@"The result is %d",result);
  17. // compare 比較規則options
  18. // NSLiteralSearch 區分大小寫(完全比較)
  19. // NSCaseInsensitiveSearch 不區分大小寫
  20. // NSNumericSearch 只比較字符串的個數,而不比較字符串的字面值
  21. int result1 = [@"This is John" compare:@"this is John" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch | NSNumericSearch];
  22. NSLog(@"The result is %d",result1);
  23. // 字符串開頭是否包括另一字符串 hasPrefix,返回結果YES(true)
  24. BOOL isHas = [str hasPrefix:@"This"];
  25. // 字符串結尾是否包括另一字符串 hasSuffix,返回結果YES(true)
  26. BOOL isHas = [str hasSuffix:@"John"];
  27. // 查找字符串在另一字符串中的位置
  28. NSRange range = [str rangeOfString:@"is" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];
  29. NSLog(@"The location in the string named 'str' of 'is' is @d",range.location);
  1. 上一頁:
  2. 下一頁:
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